Matteo Zaniol e Nicoló Trabuio hanno vinto la regata del Redentore dei Campioni

su gondole a due remi

Once again this year, as per tradition, one of the events most followed by the Venetians, as part of the celebrations for the Redeemer, were the Regattas which took place yesterday afternoon, in the Giudecca canal.

Yesterday our boys Matteo Zaniol and Nicoló Trabuio won the Redentore dei Campioni regatta on two-oared gondolas. A tough battle against the Vignottos, truly unique adversaries.

Before the race there was a dutiful moment to remember Riccardo Nardin, who died only a few hours earlier on the night of the Redeemer, a friend of many of us.

New faces therefore, people who enter by right among the Champions. The race was exciting right from the start with the Vignottos immediately in the lead and the “celeste” of Nicolò and Matteo close behind. Only the last strokes of the oars were the decisive ones, the ones that made us “stand up on the sofa” to celebrate our new Champions.